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Wat u kunt doen aan kippen die eieren eten

L. Holloway is een ervaren hoeder van kippen en ander gevogelte die bijna tien jaar heeft besteed aan het onderwijzen van anderen over hun gewoonten en zorg.

Waarom eten kippen hun eigen eieren?

In het algemeen, kippen zullen een goed ei niet openbreken en opeten. Maar af en toe, het eten van eieren steekt zijn lelijke kop op in een kudde en kan buitengewoon moeilijk zijn om te stoppen. Voor degenen die afhankelijk zijn van hun kippen voor eieren, eieren eten kan verwoestend zijn. Het elimineert niet alleen het aantal eieren dat een eigenaar kan verzamelen, maar het kan emotioneel schokkend zijn om te zien hoe uw kippen met een vraatzuchtige eetlust een ei inscheuren.

Of het nu uw doel is om het eten van eieren vanaf het begin te voorkomen of om een ​​bestaande gewoonte in uw koppel te doorbreken, er zijn verschillende stappen die u kunt nemen om ervoor te zorgen dat het harde werk van uw kippen in uw keuken terechtkomt - en niet in hun buik.

Lees verder om erachter te komen waarom kippen hun eigen eieren eten, wat je kunt doen om het te stoppen, en vragen en antwoorden rond veelvoorkomende misvattingen over het eten van eieren.

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What to Do If Egg-Eating Is Caused by Boredom

Enrichment and entertainment for chickens are often overlooked in coop design, but planning a coop that will keep your chickens mentally occupied and engaged is the first crucial step in preventing egg-eating behaviors, as well as other undesired habits like bullying, feather picking, and neurotic behavior. Chickens need puzzles to solve, and without anything else to figure out, they may create their own challenges by trying to crack open eggs to get to the contents.

Hanging treat balls, hiding scratch in piles of leaves, and breaking up the visual space in the coop are all ways you can mitigate boredom in your flock and reduce the risk of egg-eating behaviors. For more ideas and information about keeping chickens engaged while in confinement, please see my article on the subject.

If your hens free range daily, it is fairly safe to rule out boredom as a potential cause for the egg-eating behavior, although once again, you should make sure the shortage of eggs is actually due to egg eating and not some other cause, like a hidden clutch somewhere in the yard.

What to Do If Egg-Eating Is Caused by Nutritional Issues

Another major cause of egg-eating is a simple nutritional deficiency. Some hens require more calcium or protein in their diet than their feed provides, particularly when stressed or molting. Without alternative sources for these nutrients, they may resort to eating eggs to get by. You can help mitigate their cravings by providing oyster shells on the side for calcium and treats like mealworms or meat scraps to boost their intake of protein.

Hens who pick and eat feathers—whether off the ground or off of each other—are likely suffering from a protein deficiency. If you notice your chickens eating feathers, try offering extra protein in whatever form is available to you and see if that mitigates the problem.

What to Do If Egg-Eating Is Caused by Mental Illness

Just like with people and all other animals, chickens can suffer from mental illness. Once in a great while, a hen will develop a neurological issue wherein she will feel compelled to break open and eat eggs, and no amount of effort on your part will ever cure her of that. You can cope with her behavior by installing roll-away nesting boxes or by culling her from the flock, but her inclination will always be there.

Culling a hen from the flock may mean having her processed for meat, selling her to someone else with full disclosure of her bad habits, or simply confining her to a separate pen where she cannot raid the nests of her flock mates. It is important that you do not allow her to continue her bad habit in the presence of the rest of the flock, as healthy chickens may pick up on the habit from observing her.

Moderne landbouw

Moderne landbouw